
Bridgegate’s Bill Stepien joins Donald Trump campaign staff.

Donald Trump’s senior campaign staff has been a veritable Macy’s parade of grade-F sewer people, from the guy who was infamous for calling female co-workers “cunts” to the guy who specializes in doing PR for war criminals to the guy who accused bereaved military father Khizr Khan of being a terrorist to the guy who runs a race-baiting wingnut website and seems to have just been caught committing voter fraud. We can now add one Bill Stepien to that list:

As the tweet notes, if you’ve heard of Stepien, it’s probably because he got fired during the scandal that began when Chris Christie’s staffers and allies closed several lanes on the George Washington Bridge for no other reason to punish a Fort Lee, New Jersey, mayor who had declined to endorse Christie in the state’s governor’s race. (Christie’s team subsequently claimed that the lane closures were part of a “traffic study,” a claim that was immediately debunked.) At least two other Bridgegate figures have said Stepien knew about the closure plan before it was executed; he was also definitely involved in the farcical “traffic study” explanation and was specifically fired after it was revealed that he called the Fort Lee mayor an “idiot” in the closures’ aftermath.

You know how, in Knocked Up, Paul Rudd’s character describes marriage as a tense, unfunny episode of Everybody Loves Raymondthat lasts forever?* The Trump campaign is a tense, unfunny episode of Veep that will last until we all die in a nuclear holocaust.

Correction, Aug. 26, 2016: This post originally misidentified the show Everybody Loves Raymondas Everybody That Loves Raymond.

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