
Our Favorite Wondrous Ice Structures Around the World

While it’s not the most traditional or enduring building material, when it’s cold enough, ice can be used to make massive buildings, detailed furniture, and massive sculptures. Many ice structures are once-a-year wonders crafted by artists and communities, while others can be enjoyed throughout the year. So grab your warmest jacket and gloves, and take a frigid journey with us through some of our favorite frozen wonderlands.

In the White Mountains region of Woodstock, New Hampshire, is a collection of ice stalactites, all handmade. Known as the Ice Castles, they’re formed by a series of drip pipes. Around 12,000 form each day, and they are then crafted into tunnels, caves, slides, and more. In Breckenridge, Colorado, each year the world’s best snow sculptors convene for a competition to see who can make the most elaborate and detailed work of art from frozen crystals, in just 65 hours. From a variety of ice hotels that stick around year after year to a massive ice festival that lasts just a month, here are some of our favorite massive frozen creations. 

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